June 8, 1981

Tony Gwynn

Player most similar to >> Rod Carew
Career statistics >> .338/.388/.459, 3,141 hits, 543 doubles

Teams >> Padres (1982-2001)
Drafted >> by the Padres in the third round of the amateur draft on June 8, 1981, the same day that he was drafted by the San Diego Clippers.

>> Elected to Baseball Hall of Fame (2007)
>> 3,141 hits
>> .338 batting average
>> 15-time All-Star (1984-87, 89-99)
>> Top 10 MVP voting (1984, 86-87, 89, 94-95, 97)
>> Five Gold Glove awards (1986-87, 89-91)

League leader
>> Eight batting titles (1984, 87-89, 94-97)
>> On-base percentage (1994)
>> Hits (1984, 86-87, 89, 94-95, 97)
>> Runs (1986)

1. Career year | 1987 >> 7 HRs, 54 RBIs, .370/.447/.511, 218 hits, 119 runs, 13 triples, 56 SBs

2. Career year | 1997 >> 17 HRs, 119 RBIs, .372/.409/.547, 220 hits, 49 doubles

3. Career year | 1984 >> 5 HRs, 71 RBIs, .351/.410/.444, 213 hits, 10 triples, 33 SBs

The Tony Gwynn Library
>> Tony Gwynn, through the shortstop hole ... | Lee Jenkins, Sports Illustrated (June 23, 2002)
>> How Tony Gwynn Cracked Baseball’s Code And Became A Legend | Tim Marchman, Deadspin (June 16, 2002)
>> Tony Gwynn was a joy to watch | Tom Verducci, Sports Illustrated (June 3, 2002)
>> Bat Man | Tom Verducci, Sports Illustrated (July 28, 1997)

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